# $Id$ chapters := $(wildcard chapter_*.xml) imgs_ps := $(wildcard ps-imgs/*.eps) imgs_png := $(addsuffix .png,$(addprefix png/,$(basename $(notdir $(imgs_ps))))) list_imgs: @echo $(imgs_ps) @echo $(imgs_png) # cleaning up the voodoo a bit. # now it matches a pattern instead of generating a bunch of rules # -- vbatts png/%.png: ps-imgs/%.eps .convert mkdir -p $(CWD)png && \ convert -channel RGBA -density 196 $< -resample 72 -geometry 800x600 -trim +repage -flatten $@ dummy: convert $(2) -geometry 800x600 -quality 100 -depth 24 -weight 10 -render -flatten $(1) images: $(imgs_ps) #book.html: build.sh main.xml $(chapters) $(imgs_png) .clean.html book.html: build.sh main.xml $(chapters) $(imgs_png) sh build.sh && \ ls -l $@ book.pdf: main.xml $(chapters) $(imgs_png) .dblatex .clean.pdf dblatex \ --pdf \ -x'-xinclude' \ -o $@ \ $< view.pdf: book.pdf xdg-open $< view.html: book.html xdg-open $< .convert: @which convert 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || echo "ERROR: 'convert' REQUIRED, this is in imagemagick" && touch $@ .dblatex: @which dblatex 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || echo "ERROR: 'dblatex' REQUIRED, SEE http://github.com/vbatts/SlackBuilds/ FOR THE SlackBuild" && touch $@ .PHONY: .clean.html .clean.html: rm -f book.html .PHONY: .clean.pdf .clean.pdf: rm -f book.pdf .PHONY: .clean.stuff .clean.stuff: rm -fr .convert .dblatex .PHONY: .clean.images .clean.images: rm -fr png/ .PHONY: clean clean: .clean.pdf .clean.html .clean.images .clean.stuff .DEFAULT_GOAL := book.html