General * Aim to update references to kernel versions and Slackware versions to those used in the most recent release of Slackware. I've seen kernel and Slackware 12.0.0 for instance. * cron * more extensive CLI apps like v2.0 Chapter 3. Booting * Section 'mkinitrd' * /usr/share/ "Now that we've created out initrd" -> "Now that we've created our initrd" "most of these warnings are issued by the use of LVM" << I think that at this point of the book, people will be scared off by the unfamiliar 'LVM' and listing "/dev/raven/64root" as a root device may be confusing to people who expect something like "/dev/sda1". Better to discuss LVM later on. Chapter 4. Basic Shell Commands * Table 4.1. Man Page Sections Add Section 9 "kernel API description" Add Section n "New" - typically used for Tcl/Tk man pages Chapter 6. X Windows * Section 'configuring the X server' "The second most popular way to configure X on your system is the handy xorgconfig(1)." << Factually, this is no longer true. The xorgconfig and xorgcfg utilities have been removed as per Slackware 13.0. What you *should* mention is that the X in Slackware will auto-configure itself if a xorg.conf file is missing (or will automatically configure components for any sections that are missing from an existing xorg.conf using the information it receives from the HAL daemon) Chapter 8. Users and Groups * Section 'Other User and Group Tools' You could mention the tool here that is most sought after in IRC and forums: the "gpasswd" program whicl allows you to add a user to one additional group without touching on your current group management (remember that "usermod -G" will not retain your current group membership while "gpasswd -a" will). Chapter 10. Working with Filesystems * Section 'Local Filesystem Types' Do not forget to mention ext4. * Section 'Network Filesystems' / 'NFS' You could mention here how the command "showmount -e " allows you to find out exactly what NFS exports a remote server has made available. Chapter 11. vi * Table 11.2. vi Cheat Sheet You should really add "dw" (delete a word - and store it in the copybuffer) "yw" (copy a word to the copy buffer), "yy" (copy a line to the copy buffer) and "p" (paste the content of the copybuffer at the cursor's location) Chapter 15. Basic Networking Commands * Section 'Web Browsers' Should we include curl along with the others?