diff options
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/netconfig b/netconfig
index 8680388..e975fad 100644
--- a/netconfig
+++ b/netconfig
@@ -711,46 +711,89 @@ Enter IPv4 gateway address:" 14 68 "$GATEWAY" 2> $TMP/SeTgateway4
rm -f $TMP/SeTgateway4
while [ 0 ]; do
- if [ -r $TMP/SeTIP6 ]; then
- IPADDR6="`cat $TMP/SeTIP6`"
+ if [ -r $TMP/SeTIPSv6 ]; then
+ IP6ADDRS=($(cat $TMP/SeTIPSv6))
- dialog --title "ENTER IPv6 ADDRESS FOR '$HOSTNM.$DOMAIN'" --inputbox \
-"Enter the IPv6 address for the local machine.
-Example: fe80:426c:ffff::365a
-If you do not want to configure a static IPv6 address, just hit ENTER." \
- 10 74 $IPADDR6 2> $TMP/SeTlip6
- if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
- rm -f $TMP/SeTlip6
+ dialog --title "ENTER IPv6 ADDRESSES" --cancel-label "Skip" --inputbox \
+"Enter the IPv6 addresses for this host. You may list one or more,
+space delimited, IPv6 addresses with their prefixes in the format:
+ <IP address>/<prefix>
+For example:
+ 11a:11b:11c:11d::abc/64
+If a prefix is not specified a default of 64 will be used.
+If you do not want to configure a static IPv6 address or don't
+know what to put, just leave it blank or select 'Skip'." \
+ 17 69 "${IP6ADDRS[*]}" 2> $TMP/SeTIPSv6
+ ERRNO="$?"
+ if [ "$ERRNO" = "1" ]; then
+ rm -f $TMP/SeTIPSv6
+ break
+ elif [ "$ERRNO" = "255" ]; then
+ rm -f $TMP/SeTIPSv6
- IPADDR6="`cat $TMP/SeTlip6`"
- rm -f $TMP/SeTlip6
- if [ "$IPADDR6" = "" ]; then
- if [ "$IPADDR" = "" ]; then
- dialog --title "NO IP ADDRESSES" --yesno \
-"You have not configured any IP addresses for your system.
-Are you sure you want to proceed with no IPs?" 6 61
- if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- break 2
- else
- continue 2
+ IP6ADDRS=($(cat $TMP/SeTIPSv6))
+ rm -f $TMP/SeTIPSv6
+ if [ "${IP6ADDRS[*]}" = "" ]; then
+ rm -f $TMP/SeTIPSv6
+ break
+ fi
+ for ((I=0; I < ${#IPADDRS[@]}; I++)); do
+ IP="${IP6ADDRS[$I]%%/*}"
+ PREFIX="${IP6ADDRS[$I]#*/}"
+ if [ "$IP" = "" ]; then
+ dialog --title "NO IPv6 ADDRESSES" --ok-button "Back" --msgbox \
+ "No IP specified in entry: ${IP6ADDRS[$I]}." 5 60
+ if [ "$?" = "255" ]; then
+ rm -f $TMP/SeTIPSv6
+ exit
- fi
- else
- # We can only do a basic validation of the entered address
- # as regexes for IPv6 addresses are very complex.
- if echo "$IPADDR6" | grep -E "^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$" >/dev/null; then
- echo $IPADDR6 > $TMP/SeTIP6
- break
- else
- dialog --title "INVALID IP ADDRESS" --msgbox \
-"The IP address you entered is not valid.
-Please enter a valid IPv6 address." 6 44
- fi
- done
+ # syntax_check_v6 "$IP" || continue 2
+ if [ "$PREFIX" = "" ]; then
+ IP6ADDRS[$I]="$IP/64"
+ PREFIX="64"
+ fi
+# if [ "$IPADDR6" = "" ]; then
+# if [ "$IPADDR" = "" ]; then
+# dialog --title "NO IP ADDRESSES" --yesno \
+#"You have not configured any IP addresses for your system.
+#Are you sure you want to proceed with no IPs?" 6 61
+# if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+# break 2
+# else
+# continue 2
+# fi
+# fi
+# else
+# # We can only do a basic validation of the entered address
+# # as regexes for IPv6 addresses are very complex.
+# if echo "$IPADDR6" | grep -E "^[0-9a-fA-F:]+$" >/dev/null; then
+# echo $IPADDR6 > $TMP/SeTIP6
+# break
+# else
+# dialog --title "INVALID IP ADDRESS" --msgbox \
+#"The IP address you entered is not valid.
+#Please enter a valid IPv6 address." 6 44
+# continue
+# fi
+# fi
+# done
if [ ! "$IPADDR6" = "" ]; then
while [ 0 ]; do